
It's a crazy world out there for musicians. I live in Nashville, where some artists would sooner sell their souls than help a fellow artist, if it means a leg up for him(or her). This isn't the way I want to live.

I have lots of theories and ideas about the music industry and their interaction with the web and music consumers which I won't bore you with here. Suffice it to say, for many reasons I have decided to give away my music, for free.

Yes, you read that right. I don't do music so I can be a rock star, or a millionaire. I just do it for the love of it. Music is a gift that has been given to me to give to others. If you'd like to help me make more for you (since that part still takes a little bit o green), support me by donating a little bit. I can't wait to share the next album with you!


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